Welcome to Yola's Energies!
Have you been frustrated, have you lost your compass? Caught in illusions that dissolved into nothingness and crash against painful reality… stuck in the emotional turmoil of anxiety, depression, anger and hatred… powerless over your surrounding collapsing under your feet… wondering... "What else can I do?"
Why Yola's Energies?
To reconnect to your Source and expand into creating a vibrant and all encompassing life.
What are the benefits?
While you are painfully aware of the symptoms, the effects… you may be wondering what are the causes or the decisions that lead to your experiencing the world in a survival mode at best… instead of fully living Life. You have stepped into the Oasis of Wonderment where you will discover what is hiding behind the blocks, behind the illusions, behind the mirages and be able to make informed decisions on how to proceed with your life.
How do I receive these benefits?
You will benefit from life coaching sessions which are highly individualized to your own particular situation. You may benefit from all the modalities offered such as 7 Keys To Creation program or separately Enchanting Coffee Cup Reading, Qigong, and last but not least Chakra clearing. Read more by clicking on the images below.
What if I participate in these activities?
You may retrace your steps, journey back to your Source where you are Sovereign. Are you ready to reclaim your crown? You may connect to your Divine Self, get reacquainted, become the Dynamic Duo and let’s dissolve those blocks, illusions and mirages.
Journey back to Empowerment, Creativity and Peace with the assistance of the offerings presented here at Yola’s Energies. Each one of us has a unique and individual path to self-discovery and healing. We may benefit from different modalities or exercises at different times. Yola’s Energies offers an array of services designed to assist you in the many different phases of your journey.